This weekend Emilie and I went to Morez to visit Emilie’s mother and do some cross-country skiing. We weren’t quite sure what to expect from the snow given the relatively warm January temperatures. Fortunately, there had been some recent storms so there was a lot more snow cover than during our previous visit.
On Saturday it was overcast with some scattered flurries. The snow actually ended up being very nice and we did 13km.
The conditions on Sunday were much more difficult as it ended up snowing non-stop from Saturday afternoon onwards, resulting in a thick powder on all the trails. To further complicate things, one of my poles broke 1km in, which required us to double back for a replacement. As a result, we ended up doing a total of 15km.
At the end of our route we came across the following sign. Perhaps a week ago it would have made sense, but after the significant snowfall it clearly seemed out of place.