Sunday, August 7, 2011


Right now we're in the heart of the vacation season in Switzerland. Thus things are a bit mellower at work as the masses are off on their summer trips to France, Italy, Spain, etc. for some R&R.

For the most part people generally take two weeks off, though this year I've got a colleague taking his summer vacation to a whole new level -- 3.5 weeks.

Pretty impressive, right? I feel like in the U.S. if you left for that long on vacation you'd come back to find that your office badge no longer works and there's someone else sitting at your desk. If you're out of the office for nearly a month and things go smoothly, someone's bound to question your true value to the company and the necessity for keeping you around, right?

Regardless, I'm definitely jealous. A 3+ week vacation sounds great to me. Particularly since I don't have any real vacation planned for the summer. That said, I shouldn't complain given all the weekend travel that we've been doing.

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