Monday, January 11, 2010

Cross Country Skiing

My second day in Morez involved a shorter trip for some cross country skiing in the afternoon. As can be seen from the pictures, the scenery was beautiful – plenty of snow on the ground and in the trees, with great views of the mountains. Plus, there were very few people on the trails despite the temperate weather.

As for the skiing…I don’t remember cross country skiing being so exhausting. I’d like to think that I’m in good shape, but I was struggling. To some extent it was due to my form (or lack thereof, more specifically). For those doing it right, the sport looks effortless…like you’re gliding through the snow. When you’re not doing it right (which is how I felt most of the time), however, it’s almost as if you’re a hamster on a wheel…lots of exertion with zero forward progress.

I also was skiing with a group who was clearly more prepared than I to tackle the course (the fact that they all had their own skis / equipment should have been my first clue of what was to come). Thus I was playing catch-up the whole time and trying to keep a pace far beyond my capabilities, particularly given that it was my first foray into cross country in more than (at least) a decade. That said, my ski partners gave me plenty of time to catch up and get my breath. Here's an action shot -- presumably after a nice rest given that I don't look (that) terrible.

If nothing else, I’m definitely inspired to get in better cross-country shape. And the fact that the scenery was so beautiful definitely makes me want to go again soon. Perhaps downhill skiing will be next, though. While it’s been at least 10 years since I’ve done that as well, I’m hoping that my return will be a more natural one since I did that a lot more than cross country while growing up.

Surprisingly, I didn’t feel very sore when I woke up this morning. I thought for sure that I’d be nearly bedridden given how exhausted I was by the time that I got back to Lausanne, so all things considered I can’t complain.

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