Saturday, January 23, 2010

Some more x-country

Today I headed back to Morez, France for a couple of days of x-country skiing. Unlike my last x-country trek, however, this time I decided to try the “skating” style as opposed to the “traditional” style where your skis remain parallel. As the skating style seemed to be a much more natural movement (at least to me), I figured I would enjoy it a little more and be a lot better at it.

It turned out to be a great day for x-country, with relatively warm weather, beautiful scenery and fresh snow. The skating style was very enjoyable and a far more natural a movement as I had expected. That said, it was still a major workout – particularly when you’re going up steep hills (which I found to be more difficult than with traditional style). We ended up going 8km (5 miles) and I was definitely exhausted by the end of the journey. I think that I made the mistake of not drinking enough water beforehand, as I felt pretty dehydrated throughout. That definitely didn’t help.

As a post-skiing snack we had some fois gras (see the jar in the picture below on the left). While I was indifferent to it the first couple of times that I had it since arriving in Switzerland, I’m now finding that the taste is really growing on me. Such a delicacy is still probably wasted on me, though, as I know most people appreciate it far more than I do.

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