Saturday, November 7, 2009

Dream Job?

It’s always refreshing to see someone who truly loves his job -- particularly given that the older I get, the more convinced I am that very few people actually fall into this category. Sometimes I witness this in somewhat unexpected places, however.

Last night I was leaving the office late and saw a sight that I’ve seen a number of times before: a member of the building’s cleaning / maintenance staff washing the floors. At first glance there’s nothing remarkable about this, but upon closer inspection you see that the guy appears to truly love what he’s doing.

Perhaps it’s due to the fact that his job is performed while riding what could probably best be described as a zamboni built for waxing floors. Regardless, the guy seems to be the happiest person in the world when on the clock. He’s always smiling and greets you with the sincerest of hellos and goodbyes (albeit in French, of course). Not once during the 15 or so times that I’ve seen him has he ever seemed even remotely bored, annoyed, or any other negative adjective that the vast majority of the population would use to describe themselves when having a bad day at work.

For some, cleaning floors day in and day out would be a monotonous profession. This guy, however, apparently has found his calling (I write this as a compliment, meaning absolutely no disrespect whatsoever). He seems to love what he does and, from what I’ve seen, does it very well. I think that really says a lot.

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