Sunday, November 15, 2009


The weather hasn’t been very conducive to outdoor activities lately. Even if it hasn’t been raining, the temperatures have been fairly cold (highs in the 40s). It felt a little warmer today so I spent some time down by the lake and took some pictures.

Here are some brave souls who decided to go out sailing despite the inclement weather…

As seen in the following pictures, the birds seem to be taking advantage of the absence of people. In the first shot they seem to be lining up and waiting for the ferry like their human counterparts otherwise would be...

There definitely seems to be more snow up in the mountains. The official ski season has already started, though apparently the majority of people tend to wait until after New Years to start heading up on a regular basis.

For the trees that still have their leaves, it appears that it’s only a matter of weeks before they’re completely bare.

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