Tuesday, November 3, 2009


As if I didn't have enough to look forward to during my return home for x-mas (seeing family and friends, getting my fix of all things Americana, etc., etc.), I've now got another reason to make the long-distance trek -- Fiona. The new addition to the family is scheduled to officially arrive later this month and I can't wait to meet her. The picture itself says about all that needs to be said.

Ever since the loss of Murphy earlier this year, there's definitely been a void that's needed to be filled for me. Even though I hadn't lived in the same house as Murph in nearly a decade, he was definitely always in my thoughts and made every trip home for me something to look forward to. Though one can never replace a pet (particularly one with the personality, energy and overall joie de vivre of Murphy), Fiona's picture reminds me of the extent to which a new puppy in the house (and more specifically in one's life) can have a positive impact.

Fiona definitely has big shoes...err paws...to fill, but from her picture alone she looks like she's up to the challenge. Here's a shot of Murphy from a couple of years back. If you ever make to New York City and have the opportunity to stop by Fred's Restaurant on the UWS (http://www.fredsnyc.com/), you'll see a similar version hanging on the wall...

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