Saturday, December 12, 2009

Exploring Singapore...

As today was my only full day in Singapore, I did my best to make the most of it. I started off the day with a walk along the Singapore River and then through the Fort Canning Park.


The weather was absolutely beautiful, so it made for a nice morning outside. It was definitely hot, though, and apparently is more or less like this all year long given Singapore’s position on the equator.

For lunch I met up with one of my friends from business school who is from Singapore. She lives in New York City now, but was back in Singapore for a wedding during my visit as luck would have it. We went to a typical Singaporean food court and the food was absolutely incredible. Some of my favorite dishes were hokkien mee (prawn noodles), beef satay and roti prata (an indian flatbread).

After lunch we walked along Orchard Road, which is one of the main shopping areas in Singapore.

I then went down by the harbor to see the colonial area. There were a number of old buildings that had been really well preserved.

For dinner I went to the Newton Hawker Center at the recommendation of my friend. The whole experience was one of my favorites in Singapore and I would recommend it to any future visitors. For background, a hawker center is a large food complex that’s very traditional to Singapore where a large number of vendors (hawkers) sell their food. Here are a couple of pictures to give you a feel for what it’s like.

When I arrived at the hawker center I had absolutely no clue which vendor to order from (there were probably close to 100). After walking around for awhile (window shopping if you will) and brushing aside some of the most aggressive vendors (they each try hard to sell you on their food), I ultimately settled on a stall that had a long line. I figured that if others liked it, I probably couldn’t go wrong.

I decided to go with chicken fried rice, black pepper beef and a bottle of Tiger beer (Singapore’s local brand). Everything was great – you can't necessarily tell from the picture, but this was definitely one of the tastiest meals that I’ve had in a long time.

For dessert I decided to push the boundaries of my palette by trying a local delicacy: Durian. Here are a couple of interesting quotes regarding its taste:

“Its taste can only be described as...indescribable, something you will either love or despise. ...Your breath will smell as if you'd been French-kissing your dead grandmother” – Anthony Bourdain

“...its odor is best described as pig-shit, turpentine and onions, garnished with a gym sock.” – Richard Sterling

Pretty appealing, right? Well, here are the pictures and they probably speak for themselves.

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