Tuesday, December 22, 2009

The World is Her Chew Toy

As I’m now back in M.B., I wanted to provide some quick thoughts on the newest member of the Carey family: Fiona

She’s definitely adorable and an absolute ball of energy. She goes full speed for half the day and then crashes (on the verge of hibernation -- see pictures below) for the other half due to all of the energy that she expends.

Fiona is great with people and is the consummate companion. Unless she’s absolutely exhausted, she always wants to be by your side. If you go up the stairs, she goes up the stairs. If you go down the stairs, she goes down the stairs. She basically just wants to be a member of the pack, so to speak.

I’m pretty sure that she already has more toys than I had over the course of my entire childhood. Stuffed animals, squeak toys, nylabones, tennis balls of all sizes…and that’s just the tip of the iceberg. She also likes miscellaneous household items – a giant bolt (her chew toy in the picture below) being the most notable. Our house basically looks like a truck full of puppy toys blew up in the living room and puppy toy shrapnel simply dispersed from there.

Fiona is fairly obedient -- at least to the extent that a puppy of her age can be. She’s able to sit and is (thankfully) fairly well housetrained. She’s also pretty much mastered the art of retrieving…unless she gets distracted, of course. That said, when she gets really keyed up she turns into a jumping machine and likes to play bite with her razor sharp puppy teeth.

She also loves water and has a borderline obsession with the shower and sleeping on the shower mat. This is probably one of her two stark contrasts with Murphy, who absolutely hated water (the other contrast being her love of the vacuum, which Murphy hated as well). I’m pretty she’s going to go nuts when she’s able to jump in her first pool.

Fiona is definitely mischievous and likes to explore. She likes closets and the areas under beds in particular. She also likes to explore the world through chewing and has already left some permanent artistic contributions to the Carey household. But she means well, so you can’t get mad.

Well, that’s it for now. My next post probably won’t be until next year.

Have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. All the best in 2010...

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